Yangji village used to be a deep poverty village, with 945 households with 4534 people and poor households 188 households. Because the village is low-lying, drought can't be irrigated and waterlogging can't be drained. The people have been relying on the sky for generations to collect food, and they have lived a tight life with them.
The Tuohe River and the New Bianhe River basins in the south of Lingbi County are low and flat. The Anhe River Basin in the north and the He Sui River Basin in the middle are slightly higher and slightly inclined. Due to repeated diversions, Laowang Lake, Dantang Lake and Yangtuan Lake have formed dish-shaped depressions. On both sides of the ancient Bianhe levee are banded ridges. Island hills are scattered in the southwest, middle and north of the county.