In ancient times, the ranking of officialdom was different and very strict. Senior officials are superior, and low officials are subordinate. The ancients respected power and Taoism. "Left-leaning" means demoting officials. "Biography of Lian Po and Lin Xiangru": "Take the other side as a great contribution, worship the Shangguan, and be on the right side of Lian Po." Ancient architecture is usually a hall structure with a front hall and a back room. The etiquette activities held in the class are to respect the south. When the emperor receives the minister, the seat must face south. Therefore, the ancients often called kings and emperors "South" and princes "North". The room is long from east to west and narrow from north to south, so the most distinguished seat in the room is west to east, followed by north to south, south to north, and east to west is the lowest. There are several lines at the Hongmen banquet: "Wang Xiang and Xiang Bo sit in the east, Yafu in the south, ... Pei Gong in the north, Sean in the west." The throne is the highest and Sean is the lowest. & lt6 & gt
Ren Chao banquet inherited the ancient China thought of "the virtue of wine and food", and paid attention to the respect for the host and guests when eating, which was fully reflected in the seating of the dining table. Different tables have different stresses, and the most complicated thing is ranking or seating. The last article has talked about the seat size of hipsters at banquets many times, but in fact, this cumbersome seating etiquette of setting seats in order of priority at the dinner table is not original by hipsters. After the popularity of the Eight Immortals dining table in the Ming Dynasty, the Central Plains region began to pay special attention to the size of seats. Because hipsters inherited more traditional rules in the Central Plains, they naturally derived a set of etiquette for arranging the seating of guests and subjects. Modern people's formal dining tables all adopt China's traditional red lacquer square table, and the wooden texture on the table should face the inner wall, and two people can sit on each side. According to the separation of Kikuo's family and his wife, as well as the separation of the old and the young, the seats of each table are arranged according to the age of generations. Some people don't have many opportunities to entertain guests, for fear of offending guests by making mistakes in seating arrangements. Therefore, when entertaining guests, famous chefs nearby are usually invited to cook. The chefs usually bring the same two apprentices to keep everything in order, including instructing the host how to arrange the guests' seats.
At the banquet of fashionable people, respected people or elderly people sit in the first place. The distinction between big seats is very strict. Generally speaking, when a hipster banquets, the seats are divided into four seats: upper, lower, left and right. When eating a table of rice, the side facing the door and leaning against the inner wall is usually the big seat, and the largest seat on the left side of this side is called "Dongyi", which must be reserved for the oldest person at this table. Then there is the "right position" of left one, left two, right one and right two, with the youngest sitting opposite the oldest. The host sat modestly in the smallest or sixth position. If there is only one table, the one facing the main entrance, that is, the one above the east, is the main seat. If two tables are side by side at the same time, the big position will change slightly, that is, the west of the left table is the big position, and the east of the right table is the second position. If three tables are arranged in zigzag, they will be merged and their positions will remain unchanged. The east one at the top of the three tables is the most respected. As for who is qualified to sit in a big position, it is more particular, generally determined by official position, age, qualifications and so on. The person sitting at the bottom of each table is the guest table, responsible for screening wine and serving food. Before the formal banquet, the host motioned to sit down, and then after the big seat was taken, everyone at the banquet listened to his command, and the host had no right to speak again. When to raise a glass and leave, everything is in good order. In recent years, with the development of social economy and culture, although many old customs have been reformed, table manners have also been deleted. However, in Chaoshan, whether in towns or rural areas, the etiquette of sitting at the table has not been abolished, but it is more particular, but it is not as hierarchical as before. We may understand that this is also a manifestation of etiquette and civilization for hipsters to respect the virtuous and the old, and to respect the old and love the young.