The whitewater incident, also known as the whitewater development company case, is located in Little Rock, Arkansas, Clinton's hometown. This is a company specializing in real estate, and Clinton owns 50% of the company. The company has a relationship with a savings and loan guarantee company in Arkansas, and its boss is a close friend of Clinton. The guarantee company later went bankrupt on suspicion of "bank fraud" and the company's boss was imprisoned. Because this incident caused great losses to some taxpayers in the United States, the FBI conducted an investigation and found that the first lady Hillary Clinton received illegal dividends from the guarantee company. The money was first deposited in the name of Whitewater Development Company, and then Hillary used legal loopholes to transfer the money for Clinton's re-election as governor of Arkansas.
American independent prosecutor Starr has been in charge of investigating the Baishuimen case since 1994. Later, this survey was replaced by Robert Rae. In this case, Clinton was accused of "obstruction of justice" and "perjury".