Shang Bo (507 BC-before? Xia Zi, a native of Wendi (now wen county, Henan Province) at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, was one of the "Ten Confucius" and one of the seventy-two sages, and was called Buzi. Be brave and be a "good person with virtue". Known as "literature", it was slaughtered by the rich. After the death of Confucius, he went to Xihe and Wei, advocating that the monarch should learn the Spring and Autumn Annals and learn from it. Prevent liegeman from usurping power. He put forward the idea that "being an official is the best way to learn, and learning is the best way to be an official", and he also advocated that an official should win the trust of the people before he can be an official.
Bo Shi, Minister of the Western Han Dynasty, was born in Luoyang (now Henan). Get rich by herding sheep. During the reign of Emperor Wudi, Xiongnu repeatedly invaded the frontier. He wrote to the court and was willing to donate half of his family wealth to help the frontier. The emperor wanted an official position, but he refused to accept it. Another 200,000 yuan is used to help the poor people in their hometown. The court heard of his generosity, gave him a large sum of money, called him Zhong Lang, and announced it to the world. He helped the Ministry of Finance get paid; As A Lang, he still dressed himself as a royal shepherd in the mountains. Liang Wudi made him an order of Gui family in order to test his method of treating sheep. In Ding Yuan, the official is an imperial historian. Later, because he opposed the salt and iron official camp and didn't learn articles, he was demoted as a teacher of the prince and died.
Tian Bo and Yuhang, Xing Wu are also people. Father is famous for his ancestors, and he is brave and resourceful. Xu Chi will be the Yuhang Order, followed by Zu Ti. When Chi was in critical condition, Gaozu heard that he had done meritorious service, and asked the leader to make up for it. From the conquest, he sealed the Guanzhong and ordered the second county to make an order. The sky is good at shooting, the bow is double, the appearance is solemn, and the smile is difficult to understand. Mao shot the Pope with his old general. After living for many years, he used a white-collar worker to cover the customs guard. In the twenty-seventh year of Yuanjia, Zang Zhi rescued Xuanzang, and Liu Xingzu defended Baishi and led the troops back. After receiving the chariot, he was transferred to the first team, and the pension of the foot soldiers won the hearts of everyone. Twenty-nine years, I thought that General Guang Wei led the left wing to fight and take the camp.
Bu, (1250— 133 1) from Luoyang (now Henan), moved to Kaifeng. The word Zhang Jun. Li was in charge, and the punishments returned to Germany as the magistrate, and then moved to Guangdong to visit the ambassador at a low cost. In the second year of Tian Li (1329), he visited Shannan modestly, and at the end of his years, he was diligent in self-discipline and official management, and made great achievements. He got more than 10,000 words of "Zhongxing Economic Policy", which hit home. Thank you for your illness.
Bu Datong, born in Xiushui, Zhejiang (now Jiaxing), whose real name is Jifu, is full of health. Jiajing Jinshi went from an official in charge of punishments to a judge in Huguang. When the enemy harassed the southeast, he served as Fujian's deputy envoy to patrol the sea, preparing for more reforms, so that the enemy did not dare to commit crimes for three years. He is the author of Atlas of Zheng Miao, Atlas of Bei Bo and Complete Simplified Collection.
A female star named Bu.
Bu Min, wait.
A male star named Bu.
Bo Xueliang, Wancang Bu, Bu Yu, Bu Weiyang, Bu Daming and so on.