In the mid-Warring States period, the monarch of Tengguo (now Tengzhou City) was Teng's son. In the forty-third year of King Zhou Xian (326 BC), Teng Wengong went to Chu as a prince. I visited Mencius twice and asked him for advice on how to govern the country. Wen Gong was taught by Mencius. Strengthened the confidence to manage Tengguo well. After Teng Wengong proclaimed himself emperor, according to Mencius' opinion, he practiced benevolent policies, established schools and reformed the tax system. Soon, Teng Wengong became famous, and Wen Gong was called a "wise man" by people near and far. A steady stream of immigrants came to Tianen voluntarily. A few years later, Tengguo's population was prosperous, the country was rich and strong, and the name of a good country was spread far and wide. Teng Wengong, the fifth volume of Mencius, and Teng Wengong, the sixth volume, all recorded Teng Wengong's political inquiry.
Mao sui
During the Warring States Period, Xue (now Tengzhou Guanqiao) was a guest of Zhao He. Three years of inaction, obscurity. In 257 BC, Zhao Haoqi of Qin sent troops to besiege Handan, the capital of Zhao. Zhao Haoqi Cheng Xiao sent Ping Yuanjun to Chu for help. Before he leaves, Ping Yuanjun intends to choose 20 public guests to accompany him. 19 is selected, and 1 is still missing. At this time, I volunteered to go with the original gentleman. After arriving in Chu, Ping Yuanjun held talks with the King of Chu and asked him to send troops to help Zhao. Half a day has passed, and the talks are still inconclusive. Mao Sui climbed the stairs with a sword in his hand. Chen Qi was very interested. Mao Sui's words made the king of Chu nod again and again, so he made an alliance and decided to unite Chu and Zhao against Qin. When he arrived in Zhao, Ping Yuanjun regarded Mao Sui as a distinguished guest. He died in Xue and was buried outside the north gate of Xuecheng (formerly Tengzhou Guanqiao Railway Station). When the Jin-Pu Railway was built in the early years of the Republic of China, it was moved to the west of Guanqiao Station, and the burial place still exists. Related allusions: It is said that the songs of Chu are harmonious, self-recommended, harmonious, hard to know, and the golden tongue stands out from the crowd. Meng Changjun
Tian, the son of Tian Ying, was one of the four gentlemen in the Warring States Period. Guo Xue (now Guanqiao, Tengzhou City) was born. After Tian Wen succeeded to the throne, he despised material wealth and accepted sages. Soon, China has more than 3,000 diners and more than 60,000 people. In 298 BC, King Qin Zhao learned of Meng Changjun's talent and was hired as the country's prime minister. Later, he listened to rumors and imprisoned Meng Changjun. Meng Changjun escaped with the skills of "stealing dogs" and "crowing chickens". Later, Meng Changjun was hired by Qi Min as the King of Qixiang. During his tenure, he advocated uniting Korea and Wei, containing Chu and Zhao, and developing joint forces against Qin, which made Qi famous. One year, Feng Xuan, the doorman, went to the snow to collect debts for Meng Changjun, competing to "steal your life and owe it to the people". Because he burned his ticket, the people called it long live. " He also said, "I am a minister, so I uphold justice for the city." Later, he was falsely accused of robbing Wang Min with the same surname Tian Jia. Meng Changjun returned from his illness and said, "Before a hundred miles, the people helped the old and took care of the young, and welcomed you to the middle of the road." Meng Changjun was buried in the northeast corner of Xuecheng after his death, and the present tomb site still exists. Related allusions: Guan Feng, Yuan Ke, sit back and relax, three caves of cunning rabbits, Hepu returning pearls, crowing dogs and thieves. Zhong Xi
Xi Zhong, the originator of making cars, is the ancestor of Ren, Xue and Gu. Xi Zhong's hometown is near Guanqiao, Tengzhou City, Shandong Province, which was called Yi Xi in ancient times. Because of Xi Zhong's meritorious service in building cars, he was named "Car Assistant Doctor" by Wang. Xi Zhong invented the automobile, which contributed as much as the "four great inventions". Xi Zhong was the earliest inventor and politician of ancient Xue State. After his death, he was honored as the god of cars. In order to travel safely, later generations built the Xigong Temple, which was dedicated all the year round. The folk proverb "Learn from others and walk in peace" has been passed down to this day.
Luban Luban, surnamed Gong Bo, has the same name. Because he is from Lu (now Tengzhou), "Xiang" and "Ban" are homonyms, which were very common in ancient times, so people often call him Lu Ban. Lu Ban was born in the 13th year of Zhou Wangjing (507 BC) and died in the 25th year of Zhou Pingjing (444 BC). He lived in the late Spring and Autumn Period and the early Warring States Period, and was born into a family of artisans for generations. He participated in many civil engineering jobs with his family since childhood, gradually mastered the skills of productive labor and accumulated rich practical experience. Lu Ban invented many things. It is recorded in many ancient books, such as The Pearl, The Origin of Everything, and A Textual Research on Ancient History. He thinks that many tools and appliances used by carpenters were created by him, such as square (also called Lu Banchi), and it is said that Mo Dou, planer, drill, chisel, shovel and other tools were also invented by Lu Ban. The invention of these woodworking tools liberated craftsmen from the primitive and heavy labor at that time, and the labor efficiency was doubled, and the civil technology took on a brand-new look. Later, in memory of this famous master, people regarded him as the ancestor of China folk craftsmen.