After returning to his hometown, Wu Kangzhi felt that Dongxiang was far from the county seat, poor children unconditionally went to the county seat for education, and rural children wandered excessively. As a scholar, he was deeply worried and came up with the idea of establishing a school. Unfortunately, Wu Kangzhi died before he could realize his ideal of running a school. Wu Kangzhi had a son and a daughter, and his son died young. Before her death, she told her wife and daughter Wu Zhiying to donate all the land and real estate to start a school to enlighten the people and educate their neighbors.
After her mother died, Wu Zhiying, who was married to Wuxi, followed her father's wishes and returned to her hometown to donate her legacy to run a school. Wu Kangzhi mainly has two industries. One is Juyin Mountain Villa and villa land in Tangqianzhuang, with a manor of about10/05 mu, and the other is Daizhuang land with a manor of about 83 132 mu, with a total value of about 22,000 silver. Because of Wu Kang's death, Wu's unscrupulous children coveted his property and prevented Wu Zhiying from running a school.
Running a school must be approved by local officials. In the 31st year of Guangxu (1905), Wu Zhiying submitted an application for running a school to Zhou Yushuai, governor of Liangjiang. Zhou Yushuai immediately instructed that "reading is better than reading" and supported Zhiying's righteous act, which enabled the school to be founded. The history of Juyin Primary School should be counted from this year. According to the procedure, Wu Zhiying should first apply to the local authorities for running a school, and then be reported by the local authorities. However, when reporting to the county before, the Wu family coveted Wu Kangzhi's legacy to dredge the county government, which was an obstacle. Wu Zhiying reported twice, but the county government refused on the grounds that "a married daughter has no right to donate her father's property". In this case, Wu Zhiying decided to submit a letter to the Governor's Office of Liangjiang. Wu Zhiying's top-down approach caused dissatisfaction among local officials. When Zhou Yushuai's reply reached the Anhui Governor's yamen, the Governor Enming was strongly dissatisfied and no longer sent the "Submission of the Governor of Two Rivers agreeing to run a school in Wu Zhiying" to the county. At this time, Wu family members who disapproved of running schools also wrote to the governor's yamen. In this way, Enming's withholding of Wu Zhiying's opinion has more excuses, and Wu Zhiying's school-building plan has run aground. In the second year, the appeal, which was mediated by Feng, then governor of Liangjiang, was finally approved by local officials. In the thirty-second year of Guangxu, the substantive creation of Juyin Primary School Hall really began.
Uncle Wu Rulun was a disciple of Zeng Guofan and a writer of Tongcheng School in the late Qing Dynasty. Husband is Wuxi celebrity Lian Quan.