Just like Dan Dan, a former "genius conductor", once appeared on all major stages, why is nobody interested now? 1 978 April1day coincides with April Fool's Day, a western holiday, which is the day when Dandan, the "genius conductor", was born. Born on April Fool's Day, he is like a joke played by God on his parents. Dandan's parents are Hu Houpei and Zhang. As the eldest son, his parents named him Hu Yizhou, which means freedom and happiness. Children born in this loving family should have lived a happy life. But the doctor's words shocked Hu Houpei and his wife. Zhou Zhou suffers from Down syndrome, and Zhou Zhou's IQ can only be the same as that of a few years old. In this life, his intelligence may only stay in the preschool stage. Faced with such bad news, Hu Houpei's only wish is that his son can live a happy life in this life. This is also the sadness of a sad parent.
For a child with Down syndrome, his body will be looked down upon by others, and he will be pointed at when walking on the road. Therefore, Danny's childhood was not happy. He has no friends and no children who want to play with his unique children. The parents of other children are avoiding Danny like a flood. They don't want their children to play with the sick child. In order to give Danny a happy childhood, Hu Houpei can only take him home to protect him.
Unexpectedly, it was this decision that made Hu Peihou discover Dandan's talent and love for music conductor. Although conducting a band may be nothing to a person who has practiced, it is valuable to children with Down syndrome.
In this way, in order to make Dandan happy, Dandan began to learn to conduct a band. It seems that people just want to play with him and make him happy. They don't think he will have any talent.
Later, Danny was discovered by others, and others thought that he could still love music so much when he was ill, which was very touching. In this way, Danny was invited to participate in the program. After that, Dandan became very popular, and people came to invite him to the show. It was a smash hit. No one noticed that his father would thank him when he talked about Danny. He said he thanked you for playing with Danny. It was only at that time that people moved to call Dandan a "genius conductor".
Later, as Dandan's popularity declined, people turned a deaf ear to this former "genius conductor" and even ridiculed Dandan. No matter how low-key Danny is now, and no matter the cynicism of others, it is good for his father that Danny can live a happy life.