All kinds of musical instruments, suona is king, either ascending to heaven or offering sacrifices to heaven, playing pipa for thousands of years, guzheng for thousands of years, and erhu for a lifetime. At the end of the play, the suona rang, the song rang, the cloth was covered, and the whole village waited for food, walking, lifting and lifting, followed by a vast expanse of whiteness.
Once someone dies, people will play suona at the funeral, and the tune will be sad. No matter who he is, what he does and what his title is, he will die one day. Once a person dies, all the honors and misfortunes will follow, which means that everything is over.
Suona is one of the national musical instruments that people love and welcome. Its sound is crisp and loud, combining rigidity with softness. Widely used in folk weddings, funerals, rituals, music, rituals, sacrifices and yangko ceremonies.