Representative papers and monographs:
[1] Zhao Bin Kong Zhiming. Improvement of micronucleus test method for bone marrow cells. Journal of health toxicology. 1993,7(3): 190。
[2] Kong Zhiming, Zhao Bin and Zhu Zhiyi. The mutagenic effect of chromium was evaluated by G _ 0 lymphocyte nuclear abnormality test in rats. Heredity. 1994, 16(6): 4-6。
[3] Zhao Bin, Ding Qingqiu and Wu Zhiwen. Ecological simulation experiment on the effect of exogenous nitrogen and phosphorus addition on phytoplankton community structure in Taiping Lake Reservoir. Water conservancy and fishery. 1994,(5): 18-20。
[4] Zhao Bin. Effects of exogenous nutrition on algae proliferation in Taiping Lake Reservoir, Anhui Province. Lake science. 1996,8(2): 125- 132。
[5] Zhao Bin. Tired earth. 1997。 Wuhan publishing house.
[6] Cai Qinghua, Pan. Preliminary study on fractal characteristics of reed growth pattern. Journal of aquatic biology. 1998,22(2): 2。
[7] Zhao Bin and Cai Qinghua. Establishment of China aquatic biological network database. Essays on scientific database and information technology. 1998。 204-209。
[8], Cai Qinghua, Liu, Li. Preliminary study on physical and chemical characteristics of water in the middle reaches of Xilin River. Chinese grassland. 1999, (3):77- feng 3.
[9], Wu, Chen Jiakuan. Establishment and application of biodiversity information management system in Shanghai. Biodiversity. 2000,8(2):233-237。
[10], Cai Qinghua, Liu, Li. Changes of some ecological factors in the process of water salinization in Daihai Lake. Journal of aquatic biology. 2000,24(5):502-508。
Zhao Bin, Cai Qinghua, Li, Liu. Changes of nutritional status in the process of water salinization in Daihai Lake. Journal of aquatic biology. 2000,24(5):509-5 13。
Zhao Bin and Cai Qinghua. Preliminary study on spatial pattern of aquatic ecosystem based on fractal theory. Journal of aquatic biology. 2000,24(5): 474-480。
Zhao Bin and Cai Qinghua. Fractal characteristics of ecological factor field in Meiziya Reservoir. Journal of aquatic biology. 2000,24(5): 48 1-486。
Zhao Bin and Cai Qinghua. Application of geostatistics in aquatic ecosystem. Journal of aquatic biology. 2000,24(5): 5 14-520。
Zhao Bin and Cai Qinghua. Geostatistical analysis of ecological factor field in Meiziya Reservoir. Journal of aquatic biology. 2000,24(5): 487-492。
Zhao Bin. Introduction to biodiversity information management. 2002。 Sichuan Education Press.
[17], Zhong Yang, Ren, Chen Jiakuan ... Establish a search engine for the interoperability among taxonomy, phylogeny and molecular databases through the network. Journal of genetics and molecular biology. 2002, 13(3): 209-2 14.
Zhao Bin, Chen Jiakuan and Kong Lingyi. Biodiversity and urban environment analysis. Biodiversity quarterly (Hong Kong). 2002,(4): 22-3 1。
[19] Zhao Bin, Nakagawa Shoichi, Kong Linyi and Chen Jiakuan. Influence of Shanghai Pudong Urban Planning on Land Use and Land Cover. Journal of environmental science. 2003, 15(2): 205-2 14.
[20] Zhao Bin, Li Bo, Ma Zhijun, Chen Jiakuan and Nakagawa Shoichi. Rational development of new land resources-evaluation of land use change in Chongming Island based on GIS. China Journal of Geography. 2003. 13(2): 134- 14 1.
Ma Zhijun, Li Bo, Jing Kai, Zhao Bin, Tang Shimin & Chen Jiakuan, 2003. Effects of tidal water on feeding ecology and wintering habitat protection of white-headed cranes in Chongming Dongtan. Ecological research. 18: 325-333.
[22] Ma Zhijun, Li Bo, Zhao Bin, Jing Kai, Tang Shimin, Li Xiaoming; Chen Jiakuan, 2004. Is constructed wetland a good substitute for natural wetland for waterfowl? -A case study of Chongming Island in China. Biodiversity and conservation. 13: 333-350.
[23] Zhao Bin, Li Bo, Ma Zhijun, Chen Jiakuan and Nakagawa Shoichi. Evaluation of ecosystem service value of land use change in Chongming Island. Land politics 21(2):139-148.
[24] Zhao Bi and Cai Qinghua, 2004. Geostatistical analysis of chlorophyll a in freshwater ecosystem. Journal of freshwater ecology. 19(4):6 13-62 1.