1, clean up old glue and dust. Absorb on the screen with a sucker, slowly pull up the obvious gap on the screen, and clean up the old glue and dust with a brush. When cleaning, be careful not to touch the inner filter screen to avoid damaging cables and small accessories.
2. glue. Use a sucker to suck the screen gap slightly pulled up on the screen, and use screen glue to squeeze the glue into the gap to control the amount of glue applied and avoid extending into the gap. The gluing width should be kept at1mm.
3. Screen for fixing the gluing position. Fix the screen with a clip and wait for the gel in a cool and ventilated place at room temperature. Do not remove the clip during the gel process, the gel surface only takes 4-6 minutes, and it is recommended to gel for 3-4 hours to make it more fixed.
4. Check the gel condition. After the gel is completed, use a sucker to check whether there is glue opening or light leakage.
5. Remove excess gel. After removing the clip, scrape off a large piece of gel that is easy to clean with a blue flip, and wipe off the excess gel with a dry cloth, a wet cloth or alcohol.