Ma Xiao Village is an administrative village under Zhaitoubao, Leling City, Dezhou City, Shandong Province. The urban-rural classification code is 220, which is a village. The zoning code is 37 148 1203276, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 37 148 1. The postal code is 253600, the long-distance telephone area code is 0534, and the license plate number is Lu N. Ma Xiao Village, Hezhong Village, Mengyan Village, Gaijia Village, East du cun Village, Pozhao Village, Yan Furong Village, Wangyou Village, Songmiao Village, Shangjia Village, Shijia Village, Jiajia Village, Da Qiao Village, Dongjiang Village, Su You Village, Wang Nan Village, Donglu Village and Xiyue Village.
Near Ma Xiao Village, there are tourist attractions such as Millennium Jujube Forest Tourist Area, Bi Xia Yuan Jun's former residence, Ancient Rhyme Jujube Art Scenic Area, Laoling Luji Border Revolutionary Memorial Park, and Sun Da Township Ecological Picking Garden. There are Leling golden jujube, punctual horseshoe sesame seed cake, Leling Luxi yellow cattle, jujube steamed buns, jujube lotus seed soup and other special products.