I had to wait until Emperor Guangwu grew up and succeeded to the throne, and my eyes retreated. I lived in the palace, went to the folk and lived in seclusion. No one heard from him again, but Emperor Guangwu missed the days when women were locked together, and he would never forget his old love. He has also been looking for the whereabouts of the sun. In the process of searching for you, he searched for him in a large area of this country according to Yan Guang's appearance. Therefore, it can be seen that Emperor Guangwu attached great importance to his eyesight, so it is not surprising that he was able to sleep with his feet on the emperor's stomach when he was young.
Guangwudi searched hard and finally found his vision, but limited to his own emperor status, he could not meet him immediately. Instead, I sent someone to send him bedding and food from the army to express my condolences. I also wrote a letter to Yan Guang, apologizing that I couldn't visit in time because of my work in the imperial court. After reading the letter, Yan Guang also wrote back a letter to Emperor Guangwu. After reading the contents of the letter, the emperor smiled and said, I think Yan Guang is still the same, and it hasn't changed at all. Even when Guangwudi became emperor, he gave Yan Guang three points in a funny way.
After receiving the letter, Emperor Guangwu immediately infected Sunshine's residence. After meeting his staff and two old friends, he still talked and laughed as before. This is not only the first madman who slept in the belly of the late emperor, but also the first madman who can let the contemporary emperor appear for him, so his deeds have become a much-told story.