Wedding photos are a profiteering industry. If you want to save money, you'd better budget in advance. If you want to take 5000 photos, choose 2000-3000, and you need to develop photos later, so you need to pay more. I chose 4 thousand at that time, and later spent more than 8 thousand, which is not a wedding.
Now that I think about it, I regret it. Feeling cheated. I can buy jewelry and other things outside. They want hundreds, and I only buy dozens or more than 100. As for the number of photos, except for the fixed number in the previous bag, I chose them myself later. I don't think it's necessary to choose too many. I can get a negative and develop it somewhere else. It's relatively cheap, just a simple repair.
Everything you send is cheap in the market, so you might as well buy it yourself.
Of course, it's just my experience, so I'd better go to the field for reference myself ~
I wish you a happy wedding!