How much can Huangzhou earn by driving a taxi in January?
Driving a taxi in Huangzhou can earn 6 thousand to 8 thousand in January. According to the relevant information of Huangzhou taxis, it is found that the daily income of Huangzhou taxis can reach 400 yuan to 500 yuan, but the money, vehicle maintenance, insurance, natural gas fees and other expenses have to be deducted. Driving a taxi in Huangzhou can earn an average of 6,000 to 8,000 yuan in January. Huangzhou District, which belongs to Huanggang City, Hubei Province, is located on the north bank of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, with a total area of 353.03 square kilometers. According to the data of the seventh census, as of 0: 00 1 1 in June 2020, the permanent population of Huangzhou District was 456,862.