There are many ways for ancient people to bow down. Although modern people don't have to be as strict with traditional etiquette as ancient people, things of principle can't be mistaken. A man clenched his fist in his right hand and wrapped his fist in his left hand as "Bai Ji" to show respect, which is used for occasions such as meeting and farewell. The opposite gesture is "fierce worship", which is generally used for mourning. The gesture of women is opposite to that of men. The left hand clenched fist and the right hand clenched fist is "Bai Ji". A popular saying is that it has something to do with respect, because in ancient times, the left hand showed respect on it, and it cannot be said that the right hand showed disrespect on it. After all, funerals are also very serious occasions, and they are treated differently according to different situations. This can also explain why men and women are opposed, because in ancient times women's status was lower than men's.
First, when bowing, the palm is outside, because the man is on the left and the woman is on the right, so the man's palm is on the left and the woman is on the right.
Second, men and women are yin and yang, yin is virtual, and yang is real. Therefore, men make fists with their right hands, while women do not make fists with both hands.
Third, the left palm sets the right fist, the left palm is up, for the other side, and the right fist is for yourself. The right fist is shaped like kneeling and kowtowing.
Fourth, when bowing, make a fist three times, which is similar to knocking three heads.
5. The right fist represents an attack and is covered by the left palm, indicating politeness, goodwill and respect, just as the murder weapon is not exposed.
The correct action for New Year greetings is: raise your fists, bend your body slightly, and put your feet together to show respect. In ancient times, there was a saying that "Left" was the most important. When bowing, put your left hand on the floor to show sincerity and respect. Just shake it three times. This is a kind of salute handed down from ancient China, which is called "Bowing".
The correct posture for New Year greetings is: fist clenched in the right hand, palm of the left hand, fist clenched in the right hand or wrapped or covered. This gesture is auspicious. Since ancient times, traditional New Year greeting gestures have been different between men and women. The standard man's bow posture is that his right hand is clenched and his left hand is wrapped. Because the right hand is the attacker, it should be wrapped to show goodwill. Women, on the other hand, don't shake hands, just shake hands.