The second son, Li Kuan, the king of Chu, became a monk, and Li Zhiyun, the king of Chu, died young without a queen and was deported.
Wu Wang's third son, Li Ke, was born to Yin Fei, the daughter of Emperor Yang Di. In three years, Wude was named King of Shu, and in ten years, it was renamed King of Wu. Li Ke is a gifted scholar, and Emperor Taizong often called him Xiao Ji. He wanted to be a prince, but was opposed by Sun Chang Wuji, the minister (the elder brother of Empress Wende). Sun Chang thought that his nephew Cheng Gan and Lee Tae were finished, so he wanted to have another nephew, Li Zhi, the ninth son of Emperor Taizong. Later, Mowgli assisted Li Zhihou and killed Li Ke under the pretext of "rebellion case", "living up to expectations and being wronged at home". Among Li Shimin's sons, Li Ke had the highest prestige among ministers and people, but he died in unjust prison.
The fourth son, Lee Tae, was awarded the title of King of Yidu for three years. Four years, Wang Wei, Zhenguan two years, renamed Yue Wang, awarded Yangzhou viceroy. In ten years, Wang Wei was renamed, and there was a plan to seize the office. So the prince and Wang Wei established their own cronies and wanted to kill them. After the murder of Prince Li Chenggan, Lee Tae was also claustrophobic. Later, he was named King Yang Shun of Thailand and moved to Yun Xiang County of Zhou Jun. In the twenty-first year of Zhenguan, Pu was made king. Died at 35. In the past three years, Emperor Gaozong has lived in Yunxiang, with five years in his thirties.
The fifth son, Li You, was named King Yiyang in the eighth year of Wude, and was renamed King Chu that year. In the second year of Zhenguan, it was renamed the Prince of Yan, and in the tenth year, it was renamed the King of Qi, and it was awarded to the Governor of Qi. He hangs out with hooligans all day and especially likes hunting. Long Shi repeatedly remonstrated and refused to listen. Emperor Taizong blamed the long history on poor advice, and replaced it with Quan Wanji, who dared to make a face and give advice directly. In the seventeenth year of Zhenguan, Li You sent an assassin to assassinate Quan Wanji and launch a rebellion. As a result, Li You was defeated, died of introspection and was banished to Shu Ren. Ethnic exclusion.
The sixth son, Li Cheng, was named King Liang in Zhenguan for five years and Governor of Shu and Yizhou for ten years. Too much hunting, not avoiding crops, is deeply hated by the people and has repeatedly done evil deeds. He was a prodigal son, and Taizong said angrily, "Animals can tame and disturb people; Iron and stone are forged and can be used as weapons of Fiona Fang. Those who are as good as you are not as good as animals and stones! " Be demoted to secretary of state. In the fourth year of Emperor Gaozong Yonghui, Li Cheng was abolished as Shu Ren and died in Bazhou, Liu Pei.
The seventh son, Zhenguan was named King Yong for five years, and Zhenguan was named Jiang Taishou and An Taishou for ten years. Indulge in pleasure, making the county unbearable. In the first year of Shangyuan in Tang Gaozong, someone falsely accused Liu Yun of rebellion, fearing that he would commit suicide.
The eighth son, Li Zhen, was named Hanwang in the fifth year of Zhenguan and renamed Governor Yue and Yangzhou for ten years. "There are many people involved in literature and history, and they are also officials", but "people follow suit and despise their actions". Later, korean king Li Yuanjia, King Li Lingkui of Lu and King Li Yuangui of Huo committed suicide by taking poison after failing to fight Wu Zetian.
Li Zhi, the ninth son, was named King of Jin and reigned for five years. Is the later Tang Gaozong, although expensive for the son of heaven, but gave power to Wu Zetian. Later, Li was killed by Wu Shi, which can't be said to be caused by Gao Zong's coma.
Li Shen, the son of 10, was awarded the title of Wang Shen for five years and Ji Wang for ten years. Although smart and eager to learn, it is a pity that he is a weak and incompetent coward. Li Zhen, King of Yue, advised him to oppose Wu, but he refused to be an accessory, but Wu Zetian killed him.
Li Tao, the son of 1 1, was a general in Zhenguan for five years and died in six years.
Li Jian, the son of 12, was crowned king in the fifth year of Zhenguan. The year has passed, and there is no queen except the country.
Li Fu, the son of 13, was made the prince of Zhao in the 13th year of Zhenguan, and was made the satrap in the 18th year of Zhenguan. Although the ending is good, it is mediocre and incompetent.
Li Ming, the son of 14, was named Wang Cao in the 21st year of Zhenguan. In his later years, Emperor Taizong colluded with Shu Ren, relegated Guizhou, and was forced to commit suicide by the satrap. This is obviously implied or recognized by Emperor Taizong.
A total of 14 people, except Li Fu and Li Zhi, there are actually 12 people "dead"!