The following is the picture style I found for you, the sedan chair picture of 32 people (only half of them are carrying it)
I wish you happiness! ! !
/me? ct=5033 16480。 z = 0 & amptn = baiduimagedetail & ampword = % BB % CA % B5 % DB % BD % CE % D7 % D3 & amp; in = 6266 & ampcl = 2 & ampcm= 1。 sc = 0 & amplm=- 1。 pn = 0 & amprn= 1。 di=2290654056。 ln=4
/me? ct=5033 16480。 z = 0 & amptn = baiduimagedetail & ampword = % BD % F0 % E9 % FD & ampin = 7435 & ampcl = 2 & ampcm= 1。 sc = 0 & amplm=- 1。 pn = 6 & amprn= 1。 di=6222 10248。 ln=39