If you have abundant funds and just want to open a shop to kill time, you can choose a relatively uncomplicated industry to open a shop, or an industry where you already have resources and contacts.
For example, a flower shop only needs to learn how to package flowers and know one or two channels to enter flowers. Of course, it is also possible to invite people to do it. You can also invite a design company to decorate the store. It is not difficult to have money. The daily operation of the flower shop is also very simple, only doing holiday promotion activities. If you want to be big, you must have a good relationship with wedding companies and restaurants.
As long as you have ideas and ask more people, you may not succeed without experience. However, if you don't have much money on hand, you'd better save it first and try again, so you have a higher risk tolerance. Come on!
I hope my answer can help you, thank you.