When King Shanua and his brother Saman returned to Sasan, they realized that the queen was cheating and killed her. From then on, Shanua hated women, killed maids, deliberately retaliated, married all night every day, killed and remarried the next day, and became a complete tyrant. This situation lasts for three years every year, resulting in the death of more than 65,438+0,000 women.
The Prime Minister's eldest daughter, Shan Ruzod, told her father that she would marry the king and save thousands of women. Chen Luzong talked to the king every night after she entered the palace, but she said it every night, and it was not the end, but the beginning and the middle. In order to hear the end of the story, the king postponed the day of killing Scheherazade every day.
So she told a story every day, and her stories kept getting better and better, until Chia and her first night finally touched the king. Shanua said. "In the name of Allah, I am determined not to kill you. Your story left a deep impression on me. I will record these stories and keep them forever. "
The Arabian Nights has three story sources:
The first is the Persian story collection "Herzor Afsanai".
The second is Baghdad, a popular story from the Abashid dynasty in Iraq.
The third is a popular story in Egypt during the Chimak Dynasty. Although this in itself shows the openness and tolerance of Arab countries, these stories have been processed and integrated into the spirit of the Arab people and the Arab spiritual and cultural system. This also reflects the ambition of Arab expansion.