Looking forward to the bright moon for thirty nights-there is no hope.
Rabbits on the moon-out of reach.
There is no moon for thirty nights-every year is the same.
Flowers in the mirror, moon in the water-ethereal and beautiful; Out of reach-out of reach
Take a penny as a moon miser
Hit the moon with a millstone-I don't know how heavy it is.
Climbing a ladder to pick the moon-fantasy
Looking forward to the moon rising in the west-hopeless.
Picking the moon at the top of the mountain-impossible; Can't do
The Moon's First Winding-Two Traitors (Sharp)
The fifteenth moon-perfect; A complete circle
The sun and the moon talk-empty talk
There are laurel trees in the middle of the month-unattainable.
Wear light clothes in February-it's too early.
December Radish-Moving (Frozen) Heart
The radish in the cold winter-it is moving (freezing)
The clothesline hooked the moon-a far cry from the sky.
Reach for the moon-it's impossible.
High-rise buildings have sprung up-changing with each passing day
The fire was lit in June-hot and manic.
Around the stove in June-angry
Red light in the middle of the month-empty name; Kongguaming
The door gods of the first month-one is east and the other is west.