Give tea, and the elders will pay back the money. In Taizhou, because there are many relatives, tea is usually served for a long time. Moreover, relatives basically give gifts to the bride, and it takes a lot of time to wear dragon and phoenix bracelets. If it's not a dragon and phoenix bracelet, it's usually a red envelope. According to the tradition in China, parents will give the bride a pair of dragon and phoenix bracelets, which means that both the bride and groom are lucky. The dragon and phoenix bracelet is a gold bracelet, engraved with vivid dragon and phoenix patterns, meaning pairs. Hold a red umbrella and sprinkle rice. When the bride and groom go out, they should be accompanied by a maid of honor with a red umbrella, and at the same time, they should sprinkle rice on the roadside, which means that chickens should not peck at the bride.
A little special
Eat jiaozi. Because jiaozi symbolizes happy reunion, I wish the newlyweds a happy marriage. The number of relatives is even. In addition to the double number of motorcades, residents in some places in Taizhou also require double numbers of relatives and double numbers of relatives. The groom should take the bride directly from home to the wedding car, and can't let the bride land halfway, which means we can grow old together. However, in some places in Taizhou, the bride's brother or younger brother carries the bride on the wedding car. If there is no brother or younger brother, it can also be carried by other immediate brothers.
The best man and bridesmaid must be unmarried. Sisterhood can get married, but the best man and bridesmaid must be unmarried. Some places require more, and bridesmaids must be younger than the bride. In fact, these are some important details in the wedding, so you still need to do every detail well when planning the wedding as a whole. It's best not to leave regrets for yourself.