Modern freestyle flower arrangement technology includes the following main technologies:
Freestyle combination: free combination according to the situation and materials.
Space utilization: pay attention to the utilization of the whole space, so that flower arrangement does not just stay in the water.
Free bending: the bending of the material makes the whole flower arrangement more beautiful and modern.
Material stretching: the length and range of flower material are well controlled.
Minimalist art: emphasizing the elegance and relationship between lines and shapes.
New materials: the use of modern materials and non-traditional materials.
Modern freestyle flower arrangement technology is widely used in indoor and outdoor decoration, flower arrangement, weddings and festivals. It not only shows the beauty of flower arrangement, but also is a way to express personality and emotion. It is also very successful in the commercial field, for example, in exhibitions, hotels, cafes and other places, the application of modern freestyle flower arrangement is very common.