From The Analects of Confucius and Yan Yuan, we can also hear the record of Confucius and his disciple Zi Gong discussing political principles. Confucius said that if there is enough food and enough troops and weapons, the government can gain the trust of the people. Zi Gong asked a very special question. He said: "If we have to remove one of the three items: food, troops and weapons, and people's trust, which one is appropriate?" Confucius said to get rid of the army and weapons. Zi Gong said that if you still get it, you must remove one of the remaining two items. How do you choose? At this time, Confucius' answer was so firm and classic that it became the principle of "eating" advertised by various governments. Since ancient times, there have been deaths, and people have no faith. "Then get rid of the food. There is no food, only hunger, and no one can avoid death since ancient times. But if the people lose confidence in the government, the country will not be established and it will be finished.
As an official, Confucius made a good start for the intellectuals in China, that is, to be an official with principles and thoughts, to be an official well, and to be an official seriously. As an official in charge of public security law, handling cases and litigating are of course his primary tasks. In accomplishing this task, he changed the habit of arbitrary trial by aristocratic officials, but started from the spirit of "benevolence" and introduced democratic things into litigation. Talk to all the people involved and ask their opinions one by one, and then he will analyze and make a correct judgment according to everyone's opinions. "Confucius broke the prison lawsuit for Lu Sikou, and everyone entered the audience and asked:' What do you think about Xi? "What do you think," everyone said. If so, then the master said,' When you come from a child, you are'. "("Confucius's family language makes you happy ")
The best thing in Confucius' term of office was the victory of Oracle bone Meng Hui. Oracle bones, now Shandong Taian passes Qingshiguan to Zichuan and Boshan, and Luguan is an ancient Oracle bone. Oracle bone alliance took place in the summer of 500 BC (the tenth year of Lu). It is the alliance between the monarch of Lu and the monarch of Qi in Oracle bones, which is equivalent to the signing of a peace and friendship treaty between the two countries. At this time, Confucius, as a scout, served as master of ceremonies for Lu Jun, that is, he was quite present, and helped Lu to do all the etiquette during the group meeting. At that time, when two or more monarchs met, Shangqing was generally chosen as the wedding ceremony. For example, when Lu went to Chu, it was Meng Xunzi, the supernatant of Lu at that time. Obviously, at this time, Confucius' shepherd status was already respected by Shangqing. Later, many people mistook the appointment of Confucius as a wedding ceremony for "taking pictures", that is, they thought that Confucius had served as acting prime minister, but it was not. In the last seven years of Lu, he competed with Jin for hegemony. Lu is connected with the border of Qi, and it is the object of Qi's hegemony. However, due to the long-term tension between the two countries, Confucius saw that Jin was weak and hostile to the powerful Qi, which was not good for the stability of Lu, so he suggested that Lu sign a friendly covenant with Qi. Oracle bones are now in Laiwu, Shandong. Before joining the league, Confucius advised that all preparations should be made, including bringing a considerable number of troops. Especially when Qi is strong and Lu is weak, without strong military backing, maybe everything will happen. "Those who have education must match, and those who have military affairs must match" (see Zuo Zhuan). After listening to Confucius' military theory and suggestions, Lu readily accepted Confucius' suggestions.
Although Confucius once said when discussing politics with Zigong, among soldiers, grain and faith, faith is the most important. If only one item is deleted, then soldiers should be deleted. Here Confucius is talking about the strategy of governing the country. As for specific actions like this, we should treat them on a case-by-case basis, and have the right to make changes and adapt them to local conditions. In Lutz, don't we know that Confucius also has opinions on educating the people and training the army-"A good man can teach the people for seven years, and he can be brave", and a good man can teach the people for seven years, so he can call on the people to fight; "Fight if you don't teach the people, then give it up", and fighting against untrained people is tantamount to wasting your life.
Sure enough, there are many dangers in the alliance meeting. Of course, the intention of Qi's coming to the alliance is very clear, that is, to show its strength, subdue Lu (including wooing, of course), and make Lu unconditionally become its own vassal state. Before Li Mi, a doctor of the State of Qi, learned that Confucius was paying tribute to Lu, so he suggested: Polite, but not brave. If the soldiers in Laiwu are armed to hijack Lu, we can easily achieve our goal. First of all, in the name of playing the music of the Quartet, Qi made local soldiers in Laiwu suddenly armed to the teeth, armed with swords and ju knives, and clamored in panic to hijack the land. The situation suddenly became tense, and Lu was at a loss. Just when everyone panicked, I didn't expect Confucius, who was called "polite but not brave" by Li Mi, to suddenly stand up and calmly embark on the newly-built altar steps. He climbed up the altar and threw his long sleeves at the Laiwu soldiers who were dressed in ferocious clothes and danced wildly. He looked straight into Qi Jinggong's eyes and sounded like Hong Zhong. "What do these people do?" He thundered. The monarchs of our two countries are friendly allies here, but you prisoners of the righteous emperor who conquered this place were allowed to make trouble. Qi Jun, how can you command a vassal? ! African-Americans don't want summer, barbarians don't mess with China, prisoners don't join the alliance, and soldiers don't force them to be nice. This is the etiquette that everyone should abide by, otherwise it is a blasphemy against God, a blasphemy against virtue, and a faux pas against people. I don't think you Qi Jinggong would do that? "
Righteously, well-founded, embarrassed Qi Jinggong was blushed and heartbroken by Confucius, knowing that he was rude. He waved off the soldiers who danced wildly and admitted his mistake on the spot: "This is my fault." It is said that after this alliance, Qi Jinggong thought of the powerful Confucius and angrily rebuked his followers, saying, "Confucius guided his monarch to follow the etiquette of the ancients, but you guided me to learn the vulgar customs of Yidi. What a shame! "
The problem is not over. Just as the alliance was about to conclude a Covenant, the Qi people suddenly announced that a clause would be added to the Covenant, meaning that in the future, when Qi sent troops to fight, Lu must send 300 chariots to help, otherwise the alliance would be destroyed. Obviously, this is to ask Lu to unconditionally admit that he is a vassal state of Qi. Facing the new deadlock, the brave and wise Confucius weighed it nervously. He knew that the power contrast between Lu and Qi was so great that he came to Qi to seek peace and security. However, if we give in, it will not only make Lu lose practical interests, but also hurt his reputation. Confucius made a decisive decision and immediately put forward a new clause, that is, if Qi did not return the turtle land in Wenyang area of Lu occupied by Yanghu the year before, and let Lu send troops, it would also destroy this alliance. At this time, Confucius, gentle and practical, lost his anger and excitement at the altar just now, but he was soft and firm. This is not only a matter of hegemony, but also the territory occupied by the traitors of the other side. There is no reason not to return it. Therefore, these two new funds joined the Covenant and returned the occupied Wenyangtian after the alliance meeting.
Zuo Zhuan has been published for ten years, and Meng Hui's account of Oracle bones is quite wonderful and well-known. It might as well be recorded next summer, when the guild is waiting for it, it is actually Oracle bones and Kong Qiu. Li Mi said to Qi Huangong, "Kong Qiu is polite but not brave. If you rely on others to rob Duke Lu with soldiers, you will be determined. " Qi Hou followed. Kong Qiu withdrew on business and said, "Soldier! The two kings get along, and the prisoners are in chaos, so the princes are not ordered by Qi Hou. Don't seek summer, don't mess with China, don't join the League, and don't force soldiers. It is ominous to God, just to Germany and rude to people. You won't. " Qi Hou heard about it and opened it at once. The book added alliances and Qi people, saying, "There will be such alliances after the successful division of Qi, instead of following me with 300 chariots." Confucius asked us to pay nothing in return, saying, "You don't go back to my warm land, and so do those who live by * * *." Qi people returned to the field of tortoise shade. Defeat the strong with weakness, defeat the soldiers with courtesy, and highly combine principle with flexibility. Confucius, a great educator, fully demonstrated the demeanor of a great politician here.