If it is a Chinese wedding, mother can choose cheongsam or Tang suit, and the colors can be purple and pink, which will look very energetic, but it should be noted that if mother's figure will be round, it is best not to wear cheongsam. If you wear cheongsam, you can add a shirt or shawl. If your child holds a western-style wedding, your mother can choose a western-style dress, a two-piece skirt or a dress. The color can be black or purple, which will make your mother look noble. If you choose a more elegant fabric, you will feel less solemn.
Marriage is a festive event, and the colors of clothes should be bright and cheerful. Red, purple and orange are all good choices. Beige, gold and purple are suitable for mothers of all ages, but you must not choose clothes with too bright colors or too big patterns. If the dress is dark, you may wish to choose festive and bright red at the accessories.