There are 7 villagers' groups in the village, with 447 households and 1.725 people, and the cultivated land area is 1.788 mu. In 2007, the total industrial and agricultural output value reached 30.7 million yuan, and the per capita net income reached 6072 yuan. There are four private enterprises in the village, mainly engaged in machinery processing industry, employing more than 200 people. The small miscellaneous fruit base in Zhuangtou Village, Kangdian Town is well known. In spring, Mangling is full of flowers, and in summer and autumn, it is full of the joy of harvest and attracts many tourists and businesses. At the same time, it also brings business opportunities for the development of Zhuangtou economy. Tourism agriculture, which integrates eating, living and traveling, has sprung up in Zhuangtou Mangling.