These crazy clouds are called "Kelvin-Helmholtz waves" and look like layers of waves. When two layers of air or liquid with different densities pass through each other at different speeds, they are "cut" on the dividing line. Patrick said, "They are like oil and vinegar, which are incompatible with each other. In the ocean, the top seawater is warmer and the bottom seawater is extremely cold, just like a thin layer of oil floating on a big puddle. "
When two layers cross each other, Kelvin-Helmholtz instability similar to waves will appear. Part of the boundary moves up and part moves down. Because one layer moves faster than the other, the crossing process will cause the wave top to move horizontally, and the formed clouds will be like waves washing the beach. Patrick said, "These clouds look like broken waves. When the water at the top moves farther than the water at the bottom, the waves will break. "