1. First, create a new document with 1000X 1000 pixels.
2. Fill the background color with (#1414), enter the text you want, regardless of the font, just choose one and adjust the letter spacing.
3. Convert the text layer into a "smart object" and use the shortcut key CTRL+I to reverse it. If it is not reversed, the color in the liquefaction filter will be white, and it is not easy to recognize the effect.
4. According to your text, adjust the stroke size and pressure in the liquefaction tool. My parameters are as follows:
5. Draw the following feeling with the stroke tool. I use conservative and formal painting methods, using straight lines. If you want to make other effects, which direction can your brush go, but only if it is beautiful.
6. Return to the layer after liquefaction, copy the text layer, and then enter the liquefaction effect of the copied layer. Select Rebuild in the Brush Rebuild option to change the data, and I will change it to 80. If you want to make the fault effect more obvious, you can also change other values.
7. Turn on the layer style of the original text layer, and we turn off G and B of the channel options.
8. Turn on the copy layer layer style, and we turn off R in the channel.
9. So far, the effect is this. Here, I think the colors of red and blue are too monotonous. If I want one more color, I will turn on the hue/saturation and click my little hand to absorb the blue.
To learn more ps tutorials, click -PS. Zero-based learning ps.
How to put the word 1 on the poster p and open the ps?
2. Open the poster that needs calligraphy on P in PS.
3. Click the text tool in the left toolbar and select the horizontal text tool.
4. Select an artistic font in the toolbar above (you can add a font to the computer, which is available in PS).
5. After the setting is completed, just enter the text where necessary.
Online video tutorials refer to network links.
How to use PS for font effect? You can use PS as font effect: open the computer PS software, create a new PS document, and set the picture parameters as your own parameters; Enter the text we need to add special effects to, and then right-click the thumbnail icon in the font text layer; Click the thumbnail icon, click the text selection area, create a new blank layer, and set the text as a gradient from gray to light white and a favorite layer style; Create a new blank layer on the background layer as the background, click Filter, Noise and Add Noise in turn, and select Filter, Blur and Dynamic Blur; Finally, click the toolbar at the top of the software, select the sharpen button to sharpen the text effect, and make appropriate changes to the text after sharpening. Find a corporate service and go to Pig Bajie. Com, delivery, acceptance and payment.