2. Reactive relationship form: Hotel sales staff are not only responsible for selling products, but also encourage buyers to call them when they find products have problems.
3. Responsibility: After the hotel products are sold for a period of time, the hotel sales staff will take the initiative to call the buyer to investigate whether the products can meet the expectations of the buyer. At the same time, hotel sales staff also ask buyers for suggestions to improve hotel products.
4. Active contact form: A hotel salesperson or other personnel often calls consumers, especially old customers, to find out their suggestions on improving the functions of existing hotel products and developing new hotel products.
5. Form of cooperation: The hotel constantly cooperates with customers, helps them, and constantly tries to provide them with more valuable products and services.
6. Increase the financial benefits of customers: For some loyal customers, you can enjoy more and better products at the same price. The most common practice is to give preferential incentives to old customers.
Hotels can often provide a higher-level room for frequent customers, and small shops in hotels give frequent customers the privilege of refunding dissatisfied goods. Although this plan to increase the financial interests of guests can establish consumers' preference for hotel products, it is difficult for hotels to gain long-term competitive advantage by implementing this plan because competitors can easily imitate it. In this way, hotels must also strengthen their competitive advantage by increasing the social interests of consumers.
7. Increase guests' social interest: by understanding the unique needs of guests, provide professional and personalized products and services, and establish good relations with consumers.
Practice has proved that personalized service and emotional service are conducive to the formation of customer loyalty. In order to make personalized service more active and planned, it is necessary to upgrade personalized service. For some mature personalized services based on standardization, we can gradually establish specifications that meet the requirements of personalized services, that is, the standardization of personalized services.
8. Establish stable and convenient contact with guests: provide communication equipment, establish contact institutions, and strengthen the relationship with guests physically.
Many hotel groups have set up their own "homepages" on the Internet, which can have timely and direct dialogues with customers and targeted promotions. At the same time, use e-mail to accept reservations and consultations.
In addition, the ability of relationship marketing can be enhanced by establishing strategic alliances. Vertical strategic alliance is the establishment of network partners between hotels and travel agencies, suppliers, airlines and travel dealers.
Some hotels, when operating well, think that the price paid by travel agencies is low and they are unwilling to have relations with travel agencies. If business is bad, go to a travel agency, and naturally there will be no good result. Horizontal strategic alliance is the hotel to establish a marketing consortium, members unified promotion, introduce customers to each other. In some areas where hotel bargaining competition is fierce and kickbacks to taxi drivers are common, hotels should unite to implement industry self-discipline to resist vicious competition.
However, in actual marketing activities, the choice of trade marketing management mode or relationship marketing management mode still needs to be decided according to the behavior of consumers choosing hotels, the characteristics of products themselves, the number of guests and the profits provided.