Dongfeng people are very particular about the location of new houses, and villagers like to build by the river (meaning water is wealth); Avoid places with tall buildings, burned or buried bodies in front of the house; Avoid choosing the end of the road. Before building a house, it is customary to ask the old man or goddess to set up an altar in the house to worship the gods, and pray for the gods to bless the peace in the house and prosper the fortune. During the construction period, the "Walking Palace", "Shangliang" and "Fenglongkou" should all choose auspicious times to pray and set off firecrackers. When you "beam", you should hang a piece of red cloth in the middle of the main beam to make the beam red and set off firecrackers, so that onlookers can get a share of the proceeds.
Before 1990s, there was a shrine against the wall in the middle of the house, and the ancestral spirit was placed on the left side of the shrine. Put tea tables and furniture on both sides; Hang words or pictures on the wall. In the 1990s, the living room walls were painted white with calligraphy and painting. The lobby is equipped with sofas and TV cabinets, and fans are hung on the ceiling. After 1990s, superstitious customs in housing construction gradually disappeared. Indoor furnishings also change with the times.
After 2000, shrines and ancestral spirits were placed more casually. Generally, according to different home designs, they are placed in the center or corner of the hall, and some families are placed on the second floor. New furniture is widely used in interior decoration, and various decorations decorate the home environment. Great changes have taken place in urban and rural housing structure and architectural style, and brick-wood structure and brick-concrete structure have replaced civil structure.
Dietary customs
/kloc-Before the 1970s, there were mainly two eclipses in Dongfeng area, and breakfast was not common. After the reform and opening up, people's life and economic income have gradually improved, and their diet has been arranged regularly. Generally, three meals are eclipsed, with porridge and cakes as the main breakfast, and some people have the habit of eating supper at night.
After 1990s, there are various cooking methods of Dongfeng cuisine, such as boiling, stewing, roasting, boiling, smoking, steaming, frying, roasting, frying, roasting, stewing and burning. At the same time, more attention should be paid to supplementing nutrition from the diet. For example, after giving birth, women should cook more chicken wine and stir-fry ginger rice. People think that both of them have the effect of expelling wind and are nourishing products after childbirth. In addition, Dongfeng people also have eating habits such as drinking tea and eating hot pot.
marriage customs
Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, the marriage in Dongfeng area followed the ancient custom of "blind marriage and dumb marriage", which was decided by "parents' orders and matchmakers' words", and the marriage between men and women was decided by matchmakers' words.
After the founding of People's Republic of China (PRC), the government promulgated the Marriage Law, which stipulated that men and women have the right to marry independently and advocated free love between men and women. However, a considerable number of marriages are still matchmakers' words. In the 1950s and 1970s, spouse selection focused on each other's family background, while the children of poor middle peasants did not choose the children of landlords and rich peasants as love objects. Similarly, working-class children will not marry capitalist daughters. During the "Cultural Revolution", "breaking the old four and establishing the new four" was implemented, and the wedding ceremony was all simple. Both men and women only need to get a marriage certificate from the civil affairs department of the government, and then distribute candy.
After the reform and opening up, civilized marriage methods such as civil marriage and church marriage have appeared one after another. Most of the newly married couples pursue the benefits of "three turns and one ring" (that is, sewing machines, bicycles, watches, radios).
After the 1990s, many fashionable new elements have been added to the wedding etiquette, such as taking wedding photos, seeing off in a wedding car, holding a wedding reception in a hotel, traveling for a honeymoon and other wedding forms.
Five-person airship race
Dongfeng is located in the Pearl River Delta water network zone, criss-crossing rivers, suitable for holding all kinds of water sports. Rowing is a favorite water sport of Dongfeng people, with a history of 100 years. In the early Qing dynasty, boating and water sports activities were mostly held during slack seasons or before and after early and late rice harvest. After the founding of People's Republic of China (PRC), with the enhancement of entertainment and competitiveness of rowing, experts from all over the world came to compete for the championship, and rowing became a grand gathering of folk entertainment.
Dongfeng's "five-person airship" has the longest history, especially in Yongyi Village. According to the villagers Weng Yanfu, Weng Qingfu, Luo Fujiu, Liu and Lu, five members of the traditional strong airship team "Lisa Team", the Long Ren Club in this village has a century-old rowing boat, which belongs to Weng Yanfu and Weng Qingfu's grandfather Weng Beisheng (1880).