The bed skirt is rectangular, made of cloth and installed around the bed. Bedskirts can be made in various colors. The bedspread is a cloth cover placed directly on the mattress, which is usually white, because there will be other bedding on the bedspread, so it is not suitable to use other colors, especially dark colors, so as not to affect the colors of the sheets and bedspreads. A bed skirt is clothes hanging on the bed. Choosing a good bed skirt can play a good decorative role in the overall style of the bedroom. Some cloth directly placed on the mattress is mainly used to wrap the mattress, and the mattress itself is generally prone to dust and dirt. Coupled with manual damage, it will become dirty in a short time and it is not convenient to clean up. The bed cap solves this problem particularly well. Nowadays, bed caps are usually used to protect mattresses. In fact, bedspreads can be used as sheets.
Installed around the bed, basically under the mattress, mainly to prevent the bed curtain from getting dirty. We will tell you a popular saying, that is, hanging some curtains on the bed doesn't have to have a hem, which is also a style. Single bed skirts are rare, usually complete sets of bedding, or need to be customized separately. It is difficult to match a single bed skirt with a full set of bedding. It is difficult to unify the hem height of the bed skirt, because the height and shape of the bed are different, which leads to the size and height of the bed skirt can not be unified. Bedding is usually white, because there will be other bedding on it. Bedding is not suitable for other colors, especially dark ones, so as not to affect the colors of the sheets and bedspreads on it.