He also said to Yan Zhiwei and others: "My daughter can't marry the nephew of Wuhou, but can only marry the legitimate son of the empress dowager who abolished the usurpation of the orthodox emperor in 703. You brought the nephew of the Wu family today. Isn't he the son of the Emperor? I come from Turkey, and I belong to the Li family. I know that the son of heaven of the Li family is still extinct, and two sons are still alive. Aren't you lying to me? Since you are not sincere, don't blame me for being rude. I will lead all my tribes to invade. "
Ironically, a seven-foot man, Wu Zetian's nephew, went to kiss, not only did he not even see his daughter-in-law's face, but he was also humiliated and detained by Khan.
18 inch wave ball can blow 35 cm, but it depends on the quality of the wave ball. Bobo balls are made of imported materials with high transparency and good