The custom in the north is to hold a wedding banquet at noon, but it is quite different in the south. It is customary to hold a wedding banquet at night. This is because when the Song Dynasty moved south, it brought the folk culture of the Central Plains to the south. Northerners often choose to hold a second wedding banquet in the evening. If the wedding reception is held at noon, it is more convenient for some relatives and friends who are far away from home to go home after the wedding. If they drink too much at noon, they can take a break and wake up. If you hold a wedding in the evening and have two banquets a day, it will definitely increase the cost.
2. Best man and bridesmaid
Marriage in the south generally requires that the best man and bridesmaid are unmarried men and women and can be lovers; Some places in the north require married men and women, but not husband and wife.
3. Wedding ceremony
In the whole wedding ceremony, the Southern Wedding Master should not only play the role of the host, but also invite singing or magic tricks to entertain. Finally, he will interact with the guests and give out all kinds of small toys or red envelopes. In the north, the master of ceremonies usually presides over the wedding process, enlivens the atmosphere a little, and then enters the banquet.
Details are as follows:
1, Introduction
Wedding is a religious ceremony or a legal notarization ceremony. Its significance lies in gaining social recognition and blessing, preventing bigamy, helping newlyweds adapt to new social roles and requirements, and preparing to assume social responsibilities. All nations and countries have their traditional wedding ceremonies, which are a way to inherit their folk culture and a ceremony of their own national culture and education. Wedding is also an important milestone in a person's life and belongs to a kind of life etiquette. The oldest, longest-lasting and most influential weddings in the world are those of Confucianism, Hinduism and Christianity, that is, the weddings of the three major civilizations. In most cultures, there are usually some traditions and customs of marriage, many of which have lost their original symbolic significance in modern society and gradually evolved into secular weddings.
2. Wedding
Wedding is a religious ceremony or a legal notarization ceremony. Its significance lies in gaining social recognition and blessing, preventing bigamy, helping newlyweds adapt to new social roles and requirements, and preparing to assume social responsibilities. All nations and countries have their traditional wedding ceremonies, which are a way to inherit their folk culture and a ceremony of their own national culture and education.
3. Registration system
In our country's laws, there are not many procedures for citizens to get married. In fact, only the civil affairs department of the local government needs to register for marriage to take effect. However, the influence of the traditional marriage system still exists, and the remnants of six major ceremonies, such as engagement, dowry exchange, welcoming relatives and friends, and holding a formal wedding, are still widespread. At present, the so-called wedding ceremony popular in China is mainly based on a set of operating procedures introduced by Taiwan Province Wedding Company in the 1990s, which is compatible with Chinese and Western wedding ceremonies, conforms to the tastes of contemporary young people in China, and carries forward the lively side of traditional weddings to the extreme. The biggest difference between this set of wedding templates, which has been popular since 1990s, and wedding ceremonies in any previous period and any country is that the leader of the wedding [1] has changed from a family of both men and women to a wedding company, while a very simple wedding ceremony in a western-style wedding has become one of the most important parts that are expensive, complicated and need long-term preparation, which is unique in the world.