In more formal and solemn occasions, there are generally two kinds of introduction rules: one is to introduce young people to older people; The second is to introduce Mr. Wang to the lady. It is a kind of respect to mention a person's name first in the introduction process. For example, if you want to introduce a Mr. Zhang to a Ms. Wang, you can say, "Wang XX, may I introduce Zhang XX to you?" Then introduce them to both sides: "This is Wang XX and this is Zhang XX." If the woman is your wife, then you should introduce each other first, and then introduce your wife, so as not to lose etiquette. If you introduce a respected elder to a young lesbian, regardless of gender, you should first mention that she is among the elders. It is best to mention the name together when introducing, and you can also attach a brief introduction of the factory, such as professional title, position, education, hobbies, specialties and so on.
(2) Etiquette of informal introduction
If it is a general informal occasion, it need not be too formal. If you are all young people, you should be more natural, relaxed and happy. The introducer said, "Let me introduce you", and then gave a brief introduction. There is no need to pay attention to the rule that whoever introduces first will be introduced later. Perhaps the simplest way is to give the name of the introduced person directly: "Wang Fang-Zhang Li". You might as well add words like "this is" and "this is" to strengthen the tone and make the introduced person feel cordial and natural.
When introducing your relatives to outsiders, you should try to avoid vague names. For example, simply saying "my father" and "my mother" when introducing my in-laws is easy to cause confusion. It is better to say "this is my mother-in-law." The introduction of in-laws is similar.
Unless there are special circumstances, people are generally not used to voluntarily saying their names. If you want to know someone's name for some reason, you'd better ask a third party first: "Who's that in a suit and skirt?" When you meet Liu Yang in this suit and tie in the future, you can say "Hello, Liu Yang." Anyway, don't ask people "What's your name?" This is so sudden. If you have to, you should politely say, "I'm sorry, I don't know what to call you." This is also a good start to establish new social relations.