How to get from Yangling to Zhouzhi Xiaoqingshan? Can I rent a car?
You can take the bus from Zhouzhi at Yangling Gas Station. Zhouzhi's bus will refuel in Yangling, and then pick up people when you return to Zhouzhi. On the way back, the bus from Zhouzhi will pass dumb cypress. Only one person will pay 3 yuan money in dumb cypress and get off at the cross of dumb cypress North Street, where there is a car rental. Or take a taxi from Yangling to Yabo North Street Cross (20 yuan). There are car rentals there. If there are many people, you can rent a van and go to Castle Peak for a one-way trip to 50 yuan. There should be a car back to Dumbo in Castle Peak. At the north intersection of Bai Ya, we chartered back to Yangling.