1, the etiquette of meeting the host and guest. Master of ceremonies in Zhou Li Qiu Guan: "The master of ceremonies is in charge of the nine ceremonies, and it is a ceremony of swearing out, making speeches and giving in." "Twenty-five Years of Zuo Zhuan Zhao Gong": "When my uncle saw me, Jane asked him about his resignation ceremony and his way of dealing with the world, and said to him,' Although it was a gesture, it was an indecent move. " "?
2. It refers to courtesy, music and virtue. History of rites and music in Han Dynasty: "Rites and music are also called those who submit to the world."
3. Zen. Make way for Xi 'an. Eight Views of Han Feizi: "In ancient times, there were few blind dates, and many things were easy to do, so those who gave in were handed down from generation to generation ... In the great struggle of the world, they followed the track of giving in, not the rule of saints." Liu Xiangchuan, the Book of the Southern Qi Dynasty: "Therefore, Yao and Shun performed the ceremony of abdication in the dynasty, and the Yin and Zhou Dynasties won the battle." ?