Warm colors include yellow, orange and red, and cool colors include purple, blue, cyan and green. According to research, rooms with the same temperature use different colors, and people have different feelings about cold and warm. When the weather is hot, people tend to choose cool colors such as blue, green and gray. In winter in the north, the sun's rays weaken, so the use of yellow tones can maximize the lively effect, and combine with red and orange to make the room look warmer.
Tip: If you want to make the ceiling look higher than it really is, you can paint it gray and paint the wall in a contrasting color, and the effect will be very remarkable. On the contrary, warm colors will visually make the ceiling look lower.
Step 2: Multicolor
For more than one color, after selecting the color, ensure that the saturation of each color in the room is similar: that is, the soft color is matched with other light tones, and the bright color is matched with the same bright color to achieve the effect of visual balance.
Another method is to choose a main color, then the second color is used less, the third color is used less, and so on. If you really can't make up your mind, you can start with walls or other big colors and add other items while watching the effect.