Zhongshan suit: Most of the fathers at the wedding are middle-aged, so you can choose Zhongshan suit. Chinese tunic suit is a more formal dress, which gives people a straight and serious feeling after wearing it. If dad is not a serious person at ordinary times, he can choose a casual style tunic suit, which can not only enhance the temperament of the whole person, but also give people a serious feeling.
Tang suit: Tang suit is more suitable for Chinese wedding. Newlyweds can choose black or red when choosing a Tang suit for their father. This Tang suit looks more festive and can also give people a festive feeling. Father wearing Tang suit can also improve the spirit of the whole person.
Suit: Suit is also a more formal dress. On the wedding day, father can choose other more versatile suit colors, such as dark blue, dark gray and gray. Weddings are formal occasions, so it is also a better choice for children to wear suits on their wedding day.
What clothes my father wears at the wedding depends on the style of the wedding and my father's style.