1. Change the overall style and tone of the logo. The color of LOGO is the most complicated, and it is the standard color of every enterprise. If the colors are bright in the same page design, it will be chaotic. It can be directly typeset by uniform tone. The colors of the LOGO are all processed, and the dark background highlights each LOGO theme, which would be the case if the original LOGO color was used.
2. Alignment. The most taboo of LOGO typesetting is dislocation, because the LOGO is different. If it is misplaced, the whole page will be more chaotic.
3. Add a set of lines. Lines are used to add visual reference lines to different LOGO, and drawing lines will make this page look cleaner.
4. Add a fixed shape. That is, the "container" mentioned by a friend earlier, and the container is also for better visual effects and makes the page cleaner and cleaner.
5. Change the typesetting form. In addition to the above, we can also make some changes in the layout to make the LOGO layout more beautiful. For example, we can use color blocks to display the LOGO. You can also use the big picture as the background to show the LOGO. The cases here are all my temporary slide design cases.