Chord in c minor (cm): 1 b3 5
C+ triad (caug): 1 3 # 5
C minus triple (Cdim): 1 b3 b5
C is the seventh chord (C7): 1 3 5 b7.
C hanging quartet (Csus4): 1 4 5
Trichord in d major (D): 2 # 4 6
Chord in d minor: 2 4 6
D+ triad (Daug): 2 # 4 # 6
D minus triad (Ddim):2 4 b6
D is the seventh chord (D7): 2 # 4 6 1.
D chord (Dsus4):2 5 6
Trichord in e major (e): 3 # 5 7
Chord in e minor: 3 5 7
E+ triad (eaug): 3 # 5 # 7
E minus triad (Edim):3 5 b7
E is the seventh chord (E7): 3 # 572.
E hook quartet (Esus4):3 6 7
Trichord in f major (F):4 6 1
F minor chord (Fm):4 b6 1
F plus triple (faug): 4 6 # 1
F minus triple (Fdim):4 b6 b 1
F is the seventh chord (F7):4 6 1 b3.
F suspension quartet (Fsus4):4 b7 1
Trichord in g major (G):5 7 2
G minor chord (Gm):5 b7 2
G+ triad (Gauss): 5 7 # 2
G minus triad (Gdim):5 b7 b2
G is the seventh chord (G7):5 7 2 4.
G Cucumis foursome (Gsus4):5 1 2
Major triad (a): 6 #13
Chord in a minor (Am):6 1 3
Trinity (AAUG): 6 # 1 # 3
Minus triple (Adim):6 1 b3
A is the seventh chord (A7): 6 # 135.
A Hanging Quadrant (Asus4):6 2 3
Major triad (b): 7 # 2 # 4
Chord in b minor: 7 2 # 4
B plus Trinity (Baug): 7 # 2x4
B minus triad (Bdim):7 2 4
B is a heptachord (B7): B7):7 #2 #4 6.
Group B (BSU S4):7 3 4
The above are more common, others are less common.
I hope it helps you.