The bus from Lintong to Weinan takes the east fork of Lintong, which runs every half hour and every hour. The bus from Weinan to Huashan is also half an hour, one and a half hours; If you arrive in the afternoon, get ready for the equipment, go up slowly after dinner, and go up the mountain from Yuquanyuan. This is the only mountain road on foot. Go through Yuquanyuan, and then walk for 20 minutes to the Huashan ticket office. After buying the ticket, wait there with some people, or you will feel a little afraid to go up the mountain in the dark in winter.
It is estimated that it will take 4567 hours to climb the mountain. According to personal strength, you can go directly to Dongfeng. If it's still early, you can rest on Dongfeng. After watching the sky, I went out to climb several other peaks, in the order of Zhongfeng, Nanfeng, Xifeng and Beifeng, so I won't go back.
After arriving at Beifeng, there are three options to go down the mountain: return to the original road, take the cableway down the mountain+take the mountain bike, and take Huashan Road+take the mountain bike. It is recommended to choose the third option. It takes about three hours to go down the mountain.
I don't know how to ask questions for a hundred points. I went to Huashan not a hundred times, but fifty times, and was called Brother Huashan.