I hope that the fallen leaves will return to their roots, and the magicians will rush back to the countryside for burial while the bodies are not corrupt. At this time, the body will be disposed of. Taoist priests usually use their own skills to make the body stiff and easy to walk, and then dress up. It's also very ostentatious to wear official clothes at this time.
The corpse driver is called "corpse driver". Corpsers usually travel in small groups. Some of them tied the bodies with ropes, one every few feet, and then put yellow paper symbols on their foreheads. Others knock gongs to clear the way and draw night walks. Most people seem to be only in places like Xiangxi, so few people think that those people threw piles before dawn, lifted the paper, stood against the wall and continued their journey at night. It was also pointed out that the corpse driver actually carried the corpse, but because he was dressed in black at night, passers-by naturally couldn't see the corpse driver and thought there was a corpse. So I feel that zombies are all from the Qing Dynasty.