Inter Milan's new team song
You know, to score a goal.
I gave my life-my life!
So I know that until the end of my life
Sara una partita infinita will have a never-ending game.
I have a dream.
Sognare has a choir to move forward with their dreams.
Su E Judara Nord is in the north!
Novanta minuti per segnare scored 90 minutes in a row!
Blue-black warrior
Here we are.
Patsy Etter is as crazy as you are.
Don't make us suffer.
I wish you ... Vincent! But it doesn't matter, let's win together! !
02: 15.68] Amara! I love it!
Paza International Amara! Crazy Inter Milan, I love it!
Euna Gioia, England and finidi are a kind of life support.
Eternal happiness in life
Paza International Amara! Crazy Inter Milan, I love it.
Vera. Come and experience it!
Questa storia vivila, come and experience this legendary story!
It can last a lifetime.
Oh, a sola partita or just a game.
Ekontinero, my celebration will continue.
We will celebrate the festival, rain or shine.
I will always remember it.
This color will last forever.
Io vi seguiro, I will follow you.
Live forever, I will live forever.
Questa mia speranza is my hope.
If it disappears,
Io inanimate senza! ! ! I can't live alone! ! !
Segira! Follow it!
In Intrafterta ogiu, Citta, whether you are away from home or in the city.
Mazo Al Campo's Los Angeles is on its way to the stadium.
A new champion was born.
Un tiro che parte da questa canzone is the team that started with this song.
Forza non mollare mai! ! ! Never lose your strength
Amara. I love it!
Amara. Love it.
Unagioia Britain and finidi are a kind of life-sustaining
Paza International Amara! ! ! Crazy Inter Milan, I love it!
Amara. ! ! I love it!