The reference latitude of Qingdao is about 36 degrees north latitude, and the sun's height is the lowest. The shortest sunshine time in the whole year is the winter solstice, and the sun shines directly on the tropic of Capricorn at 23 degrees and 26 minutes, so the lowest local sun height in your home is about 90 degrees -60 degrees (36 degrees plus 23 degrees) =30 degrees. For the convenience of calculation, we all took approximate figures;
3 The maximum length of the shadow of the front building (the part that affects your home) = 36.6m /tan30 degrees ≈ 63.43m; 63.43 meters is more than 55 meters away from the two buildings, so near the winter solstice, the building in front blocks your home, and there is no sunshine at noon; Before the winter solstice, the shadow of the current building was 55 meters long, and it began to form a shadow. After the winter solstice, the shadow of the building will reappear when it is shorter than 55 meters. The specific calculation is that when the tangent of the solar altitude angle is 36.6/55 = 0.6654545; At this time, the altitude angle of the sun is about 34 degrees. It is known that it takes 90 days for the direct point of the sun to walk at 23.5 degrees, so it takes about 0.26 degrees every day, your shielding angle time is about 4 degrees, and the direct point of the sun takes about 15 days.
Conclusion: The sun can't be seen at noon for one month, and the estimated time is 65438+February 7th-65438+1October 6th.
Remarks: In order to facilitate the calculation, and the specific latitude of your home is unknown, this calculation mostly adopts similar values, so there are inevitably errors in the calculation. The estimated error time is 2-5 days, for reference only.
Forget it for more than an hour ... well, I'll check it again tomorrow, hoping to help you. ...
Supplement: According to the architectural drawing you gave, if it is Building No.9, the distance between you and the buildings on both sides is of little significance in winter, because the sun in the northern hemisphere basically rises in the southeast and sets in the southwest in winter, so it should be 1#, 2# and 3# that have an impact on you. If the distance between you and the adjacent building is17m, it is estimated to be 1#. This distance has little impact on your home, but even so, your home is most likely only to see the sunrise in the southeast, and there is almost no direct light in the southwest due to the density and distance of the building. It is estimated that the minimum sunshine time in your home in winter is at most two hours in the morning. ...