There are generally two banquets in Peixian County, and one is formal at noon. We call it a big banquet. All the people who came were relatives and neighbors, and the wedding was before the luncheon. It's a wedding reception in the evening, but the specifications are higher, with food, smoke and wine. Guests are usually parents' leaders, colleagues, good friends and close friends with themselves. The wedding reception can be held on the night before or on the day when the woman is formally married. During the day, the smoke used for big banquets is red in Nanjing-20 yuan in Su Yan is good, and it can be slightly upscale at night. People in urban areas usually hold banquets in restaurants, mainly because there is no place at home, which is convenient and needn't be so hard. Pei county's consumption is not high, and there is not much money for a table of dishes, but it is an upper-middle class with a few hundred dollars. Outside the city, people usually hold parties in their own homes. It is a lively event, and a group of cooks are invited to hold a banquet in their own yard or on the road. Traditionally, Peixian people invite bands when they get married. Foreigners may not understand the suona of happy events, but it is a tradition in our country.
About you, just prepare red envelopes, prepare more, not necessarily a lot of money, but also cigarettes and sugar. There may be obstacles to picking up the bride at the door, but it won't be embarrassing. Just say it. The wedding car can't take the bride back the same way. It comes in here and goes out the other side. As you are out of town, you may have to stay in a hotel on your wedding night. Listen to your daughter-in-law, you are from other places and won't bully you.