Eternal Beloved tells a ghost story around the ginkgo tree. Amin, played by Duan Long, fell in love with the orphan A Jiu in a previous life. But because of the feud between the two families, A Jiu couldn't bear to die, and Amin couldn't let go after his death, so he gave up reincarnation and became a lonely soul. After waiting for 50 years under the ginkgo tree that witnessed their love, he finally came to A Jiu, but he had a lover by his side.
Watching movies is attracted by the role of Duan Long, thinking about how he broke through from the tough guy role he has been playing to an affectionate, ruthless, determined and fragile Amin. However, he played well, as Faye Yu himself said: I can help Duan Long find a different self. When Amin finally left, there was a deep feeling in his eyes. "We are all involuntarily in a previous life. I thought we would meet her in this life and we could start over. But I didn't expect her to be happy in this life, just like you. She has everything I want to give her.
Very clean film, the picture and plot are simple and true, which is what female directors is good at. It tells a simple love-hate entanglement that makes people cry. However, that's all. This is just a suitable love movie. What really turns mediocrity into a miracle is the power of music. In every blank of the plot, the melodious piano music in the background will fill the gap in time and erase the stagnation of the transition.
The painting Forever Lover is beautiful. It feels the same as before, and it is just as dull as the story unfolds. From the death of Amin's brother, Amin and A Jiu suddenly broke out. A Jiu tearful words "how do you don't believe me anymore? This kind of life is really cruel. " This painting is beautiful. After watching a movie quietly, the story of the movie is nothing new, but the ending is still shocking. In the impetuous environment, we can appreciate the pure thing of love and a new interpretation.