Many people think that the drawer handle is not important, and no one will notice it if it is hidden in the room. However, both Chinese furniture and western furniture will pay attention to the depiction of door handles, and knots, pebbles and even ceramics can be made into handles. This kind of handle is exquisite in workmanship and inexpensive. Buying a few handles instead of the previous single handle can immediately improve the style of the home.
People have begun to pay attention to switches, and switches are no longer just used as a tool. A long time ago, we used a light rope to turn on and off the lights, but now it has become a switch on the wall. Personally, I prefer brass switches. This switch is a toggle switch, which is very retro. It is very interesting to use, and with the same retro lamps, it is like returning to Europe in the19th century.
All kinds of small lights are also sharp tools to improve the quality of life! Copper wire lamp, star lamp, nightlight, aromatherapy lamp, candlestick, etc. I think what can increase the warmth of the home most is lighting, especially copper wire lamps, which are retro and romantic, and can also have various concave shapes. For example, put colorful Rio on the wine rack, and then wrap it around the wine rack with copper wire lamps. It is also beautiful to turn on the light at night, and copper wire lamps are very cheap and can be changed into many patterns, which is worth a try!