After the engagement is successful, open the bag, click on the ring and choose to buy the dress. The clothes you buy will last forever. Wear them in your clothes.
Open the bag, left-click on the ring, choose to book the church, and then choose Yes in whether to rent the gift, and you can rent the gift. It costs 5000 silver coins to rent a dress, and it will be changed automatically when you enter the church.
Open the bag, click on the ring, choose the scheduled church, choose the time to rent the church, and get a church key and 25 invitations after confirmation. Right-click the key, through which you can enter the church within the specified time. Invitations can be traded to your friends, and they can enter the church to attend your wedding within a specified time through this invitation.
After the successful engagement, under the witness of clergy (part-time study at level 36), both parties can legally get married if they wish.