In 605 BC, Chu Zhuangwang put down the rebellion and was very happy. He sent his troops back to Korea and held a grand celebration and banquet in the palace. Chu Zhuangwang thinks that his ministers can drink as much as they like. In the evening, I haven't finished drinking. Chu Zhuangwang ordered the candles to be lit to continue the carnival. Chu Zhuangwang was so happy to see the princes, so she asked her beloved Princess Jixu to propose a toast to everyone. Ji Xu is beautiful, and coming out to propose a toast to everyone adds a bit of cheerful atmosphere. Just as she gave everyone a toast, a strong wind blew out all the candles in the hall, and the venue was dark. At this time, someone grabbed Ji Xu's clothes and wanted to molest her. Ji Xu is very clever. She knew that if she said it, that person would run away in the dark, not only could she not find out who it was, but she would also make a fuss and be suspicious. Silently, she reached out her hand gently and skillfully, touched the man's tassel and pulled it out. Then, in the dark, she reported to Chu Zhuangwang and asked Chu Zhuangwang to investigate and deal with this man full of lust and lust.
Hearing this, Chu Zhuangwang hesitated a little, and he quickly ordered the left and right sides not to be busy lighting candles. Suddenly, he announced loudly to his ministers, "Today, you are going to drink with me, so you must have a good time.". Now I propose that everyone present take off their crowns. Whoever doesn't take off their crowns won't play with me. " The princes obeyed happily, and soon all the crowns and tassels were pulled out. The candle was rekindled, and Chu Zhuangwang casually drank with his ministers until late at night. The person who pulled Ji Xu's clothes in the dark can't be found naturally. Ji Xu was very surprised. After the meeting, Ji Xu complained that Chu Zhuangwang didn't take it out on her. King Zhuang said with a smile, "Everyone is happy. Now some people are excusable for being rude after drinking. If you kill the hero for this matter, it will make the patriotic soldiers chilling and the people will no longer try their best for Chu. Have to admire Chu's thoughtfulness. "
Later, Chu Zhuangwang personally led an army to attack Zheng, only to be ambushed by Zheng. At this critical juncture, Tang Qian, deputy commander of the Chu army, rushed into the encirclement and rescued Chu Zhuangwang. Chu Zhuangwang rewarded Tang Qian, and Tang Qian politely declined to say, "At the farewell party, it was the minister who pulled Ji Xu's clothes. He thanked the king for not killing him, so he gave his life to repay him today." Chu Zhuangwang was deeply moved after hearing this.