There is a 200-year-old elm tree in front of the restored Confucius Temple, which needs two people to hug each other. The branches and leaves are lush, and the branches and leaves that extend into the air are like a huge fan crown, which is speechless with the Confucian temple. On the eaves of the word "Man" in the Confucian Temple are the "Five Beasts of Yi Long", and the dragons are arranged vertically in turn behind the five sitting beasts. These five animals sit like dogs, but they are not dogs, so you can't tell what they are. Yamen is the place where counselors work. The architectural style is still the same as that of the generals' mansion in Qing Dynasty, but some modern materials were used in the transformation, but the retro theme was retained. When you enter the courtyard of the lobby, you immediately feel the neat and steady momentum. The lobby is where General Yili handles major cases, and some major cases are tried here by the General. There are two lions lying prone in front of the hall. Except for round black eyes and a big mouth, the rest of the body was painted yellow, and some parts of the head and body were washed away by a hundred years of wind and rain, revealing the original gray stone color. In the courtyard of General Yili's house, there are two stone lions with strange shapes. Their heads are wool, their ears are like dogs, and their noses are tall and big, a bit like the big noses of Russians. This strange-looking stone lion is called "man, sheep, dog and lion". A dozen stone lions were found in the Ili Valley. Because there is no record of a stone lion in historical materials, there is a local saying that Xinjiang is too far from the mainland, and masons at that time had never seen a lion, so they designed it by imagination. Because Russia invaded Yili at that time, the people of Yili hated the Russian people. In order to vilify the Russian people, masons are designing them in the courtyard of the general's office. The intention is to despise the Russians and shape them into gatekeepers.