According to the book, there was a Xuzhou secretariat named Wang Hun. Yuan Pei's wife died and married another man. The remarried wife is Yan, a civilian with a relatively low status. When they visited the church, Yan first worshipped Wang Hun, and then Wang Hun was ready to answer. At this time, someone said to Wang Hun: You are a national official, how can you worship her? Wang Hun didn't answer. Therefore, Yan is very angry.
Although the couple's worship was not finally completed, it shows that Xuzhou did have the custom of worship at that time.
Extended data:
Wedding process:
On the wedding day, after the man's sedan chair is issued, the best man will arrange a place to pay homage in the man's hall.
When the sedan chair stopped in front of the main hall and the maid of honor invited by the man stood in front of the wedding sedan chair, the ceremony began. On the incense table, cigarettes are lingering, red candles have a high fever, and relatives, friends and functional personnel are in their positions.
The two bridesmaids appeared as "Zan" and "Zan" respectively and began to pay tribute.
The bride and groom began to worship the bride according to the praise ceremony.